Our engineers will work with you to find the perfect solution for your needs.
XERYON 公司产品的应用 Application of Xeryon's products
产品定制 Product Customization
- 定制压电电机 Customized piezoelectric motor
- 定制压电执行器 Customized piezoelectric actuator
- 定制压电平台 Customized piezoelectric stage
- 定制压电多轴系统 Customized piezoelectric multi axis system
- 定制运动系统设计和构建 Design and Construction of Customized Motion System
产品应用领域 Product application field
- 材料研究 Materials Research
- 影像学研究 Imaging System
- 医学和生命科学研究 Medical and Life Sciences Research
- 同步加速器和束线 Synchrotron and beam line
- 空间 Space
- 测量 Metrology
- ...等等 and so on
NILAB,EB,HEIDENHAIN 公司产品的应用 Application of NILAB,EB,HEIDENHAIN products
产品应用领域 Product application field
- 数控机床 CNC machine tool
- 集成电路生产设备 Integrated circuit production equipment
- 自动化设备 Automation equipment
- 医疗设备 Medical equipment
- 天文 Astronomy equipment
- 测量 Metrology
- ...等等 and so on